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In the bustling world of construction, partnerships are often the key to success. Longworth, a prominent UK roofing and cladding specialist, and us, Urbanise, a leading main contractor, have exemplified this through our fruitful collaboration on various projects. Our journey together began with the iconic Manchester Arena, where Longworth successfully bid to work on a specific metal cladding project, showcasing their expertise and ability.

From the Manchester Arena to the standout Two Express Building in Ancoats, Manchester, our partnership has left a lasting mark on cityscapes. Our latest venture, The Exchange in Croydon, promises to be another testament to our collaborative abilities. Despite being in the early stages, the project already reflects both of our commitments to quality and safety. Longworth’s role in removing and replacing cladding systems underscores their dedication to meeting the stringent requirements of the Building Safety Act (BSA) and supports our position on using them as a key provider.

Longworth has completed an impressive portfolio of projects for us. Not only Manchester Arena and Two Express, but they have also successfully worked on notable projects such as Eyewitness Works in Sheffield, further exemplifying their capability to handle diverse and challenging projects. For us, the partnership with Longworth has been highly beneficial. Longworth’s expertise in roofing and cladding is invaluable, making them an essential ally in our overall business strategy and mission.

The importance of the Building Safety Act to the partnership

The significance of the Building Safety Act (BSA) to the partnership cannot be overstated. This legislation represents a transformative shift in safety standards within the construction industry, particularly for High-Risk Buildings (HRBs). The BSA introduces stringent requirements and mandatory checkpoints, known as gateways, which are designed to ensure that fire safety considerations are integrated from the earliest planning stages through to the completion of a project.

Key features of the Building Safety Act

Golden thread: One of the pivotal elements of the BSA is the implementation of the golden thread. This refers to a comprehensive digital record that documents all changes and decisions made throughout a project’s lifecycle. This record ensures transparency, accountability, and ease of access for all stakeholders involved in the construction process. It aligns with the recommendations made by Dame Judith Hackitt following the Grenfell Tower fire, emphasizing the need for continuous and meticulous documentation to enhance safety and regulatory compliance.

Gateway regime: The BSA establishes a series of gateways, which act as critical checkpoints during the planning, construction, and post-construction phases of a building project. These gateways ensure that fire safety and other regulatory considerations are thoroughly addressed before a project can proceed to the next stage.

Gateway one: At the planning stage, this gateway ensures that fire safety considerations are clearly outlined in the initial design proposal before planning permission is granted.

Gateway two: At the pre-construction stage, a building control application must be submitted to the Building Safety Regulator (BSR). This application must demonstrate compliance with building regulations and the competence of duty holders.

Gateway three: This occurs upon the completion of building work. The BSR’s approval at this stage confirms that the building meets all safety and regulatory requirements.

Impact on Urbanise and Longworth

Early involvement of specialist contractors: The introduction of the BSA necessitates that specifications and designs be finalised much earlier in the project timeline. Consequently, clients are now engaging specialist contractors, like Urbanise and Longworth, at the outset of the project. This early involvement is crucial for assisting in the selection of materials, finalising specifications, and preparing comprehensive designs that meet stringent safety standards.

Enhanced record-keeping and quality assurance: The BSA mandates a higher level of record-keeping and quality assurance on-site. This requirement underscores the importance of maintaining detailed digital records accessible to all stakeholders. For us and Longworth, this means implementing robust digital storage solutions to manage and share project documentation efficiently.

In essence, the Building Safety Act serves as a critical piece of the partnership’s framework, ensuring common standards and fostering a collaborative approach to safety and compliance in construction projects. By adhering to these new regulations, Urbanise and Longworth can significantly enhance the safety and quality of their projects, ultimately contributing to a safer built environment.

A formidable team embracing positive change

In the face of these challenges, we have created a formidable team, embracing innovation while prioritising safety. Our collaboration not only transforms physical spaces but also sets a precedent for responsible and forward-thinking construction practices.

As the urban landscape continues to evolve, one thing remains clear: Longworth and Urbanise are at the forefront, shaping the cities of tomorrow with integrity and expertise. Our partnership is testament to what can be achieved when two industry leaders come together with a shared vision for innovation and safety.

Many thanks to Steven Jones, Pre-Construction Director at Longworth for his contributions and involvement on this piece.